flipping the senate.

1920px-United_States_Senate_elections,_2020.Turning an eye to election-year politics for a moment…

A LOT of key Senate races to watch this fall. Currently, Republicans hold a 53-47 majority over Democrats. Of the 35 seats up for election in November, Republicans are defending the most turf with 23 to the Democrats’ 12. Only one Democrat is truly toast: Alabama’s Doug Jones. You remember how he won his seat, right? Against retired judge and all-around awful human being Roy Moore. Jones will more than likely get rolled out of the Senate, either by Jeff Sessions (who previously held the seat) or by retired Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville. It’s all but sealed.

That means, to gain a 51-49 majority, Democrats would need to flip five Senate seats. So let’s take a look at those key battleground races where Democrats have a shot to win (I’ve highlighted the ones that are well within reach, according to polling data):

1. Arizona: Mark Kelly (D) vs. Martha McSally (R)
2. Colorado: John Hickenlooper (D) vs. Corey Gardner (R)
3. Iowa: Theresa Greenfield (D) vs. Joni Ernst (R)
4. Maine: Sara Gideon (D)* vs. Susan Collins (R)
5. Montana: Steve Bullock (D) vs. Steve Daines (R)
6. North Carolina: Cal Cunningham (D) vs. Thom Tillis (R)
7. South Carolina: Jaime Harrison (D) vs. Lindsey Graham (R)
* denotes presumptive nominee.

If Democrats can take those four, as well as hold onto all their other senate seats (save Jones in Alabama) up for grabs, they’d have enough for a 50-50 tie. That fifth win is crucial in case Biden doesn’t win in November.

Democrats need to take back Senate leadership to stop Moscow Mitch’s wretched tactics.



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